Green Insulation Options
No longer does “being green” mean having to sacrifice quality, cost, or performance in the insulation industry. At Spink Insulation, we offer a variety of green insulation products for use in residential, commercial, and industrial applications.
Nu-Wool - GREEN Since 1949
Nu-Seal Foam Insulation System
High in performance, Nu-Seal is a hybrid foam insulation system that contains high biological raw material and low embodied energy. These attributes make Nu-Seal one of the greenest foam insulation systems in the marketplace. Nu-Seal passes all ASTM testing for foam insulation products and is a Class 1 rated insulation product.
Traditional chemistry used to make foam insulation is based solely on petroleum building blocks. Utilizing renewal content such as natural agricultural oils and sucrose, the amount of petroleum used in manufacturing Nu-Seal is reduced by 40-50% compared to most other foam insulation systems.
As a result, Nu-Seal contains less embodied energy, but still maintains the performance and physical properties of 100% petroleum based products, making Nu-Seal truly a GREEN product.
Nu-Wool Cellulose Insulation
Nu-Wool Cellulose Insulation is a naturally "green" product made by a naturally "green" manufacturer. Made from 100% recycled paper and requiring at least 10 times less energy than it takes to manufacture fiberglass insulation, the Nu-Wool line of cellulose insulation products are truly GREEN.
Since less energy is used to manufacture cellulose insulation, and less fuel is consumed in buildings using cellulose insulation, the atmospheric emissions which contribute to global warming are much reduced.
Made completely from recycled and renewable fibers, the ECOCELL™ products are an environmentally responsible and innovative alternative to traditional fiberglass insulation. Produced using a zero waste manufacturing process, the ECOCELL™ product line is the industry’s first batts and blankets made primarily from recycled cellulose fibers.
Discover superior thermal and acoustic performance in a renewable product.
Owens Corning - Pink is Green
Manufactured using approximately 40% recycled glass, Owens Corning fiberglass insulation is Green Approved by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) and proven to conserve energy.
BASF Eco-Efficiency
By controlling air leakage, BASF COMFORT FOAM and SPRAYTITE installed homes utilize more appropriately sized HVAC systems, which work more efficiently, and run less often. This adds up to mechanical cost savings up-front, less maintenance down the road and a more comfortable indoor environment.
Used by BASF since 1996, the Eco-Efficiency Analysis guides the company in finding the proper balance between economy and ecology. Applied to more than 350 products and manufacturing processes since its inception, the Eco-Efficiency Analysis helps BASF determine how to produce products using as few materials and energy as possible, and keep manufacturing-related emissions as low as possible.
Your Green Insulation Experts
Interested in green insulation for your home? Please contact us today at (800) 464-3307 for a free estimate or to schedule a consultation to discuss your project with our green insulation experts.